Abertay and Glasgow Caledonian Universities have studied in detail how the lockdown has affected coaches. The Research threw up a few very interesting facts in favor of online coaching despite the fact that face to face sessions were not taking place. Researchers found some interesting reasons as to why online coaching should continue even after the pandemic. They are still monitoring coaching habits during lockdown and even after where many coaches are continuing their online training sessions.
Here are ten reasons why coaches need to continue online learning after the pandemic.
- Space to practice sessions during their own time in a familiar setting
The online settings and platforms like Koach allows players to practice their skills in their preferred time in a familiar setting which encourages them to learn new skills.It also allows for family members to be involved in their practice.
- Ability to conduct multiple training sessions
With skill maintenance being a core requirement during the pandemic, coaches continued to do multiple training sessions online therefore increasing the skill levels instead of just maintenance.
- Improve player-coach relationship further
Coaches maintain one to one relationships with players with the support of platforms where the individual coaching and motivation has benefited the relationship to develop in a positive way.
- Increase engagement by family members
When players are being trained online, it gives the parents a chance to engage with the coach and understand the game better while having access to the player’s progress.
- Chance to try different creative coaching methods
With the help of the latest edutainment platforms like Koach, coaches have more interesting ways to coach players while keeping them engaged and excited.
- Boost mental health and well-being of players
Online coaching provides space and time for coaches to include morale boosting strategies, thereby improving the mental health and well-being of players.
- Increased cohesion among team
Online coaching, when done right, gives a chance for players to collaborate, share their sessions and have common goals within the team which consequently increases team spirit and cohesion.
- Redefine performance statistics
Online edutainment platforms have given coaches access to player analytics and performance statistics to further refine their coaching strategies and improve the players game.
- Access to many visual training resources
Online coaching also allows for the easy dissemination of skills training videos and videos of matches in which the players were involved. This further adds to the skills developed on the field.
- Save time and cost
When certain training and lessons can be done online it saves cost and time for both coaches and players. These cost savings means more money to invest in a fun-coaching platform which will further reduce your admin work.
All these benefits does not indicate that face-to-face coaching should be replaced by online coaching, it only means that online coaching can be used as a very effective supplementary tool for coaches of the new generation.
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